How To Maintain Your Garden Pond.

Garden Pond Maintenance 101

Many people have installed garden ponds at their homes. They add interest to the garden, encourage wildlife to visit the garden, and provide a place for peace and contemplation. Using these garden pond maintenance 101 tips, it won’t be long before your pond is ready for spring’s visitors.

Ponds require regular maintenance. The better care you take, the longer your pond will be enjoyed by your family. There are things you should do during each season of the year, but here’s how you can ensure your pond is ready for the spring.

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* Remove the de-icer or heating unit from the pond. Replace the filter and pump, then turn them on.

* Remove any leaves or decomposed organic material. Keep an eye out for algae and remove it as soon as you can.

* If the water appears black, remove at least one-third of it and then replace it with fresh water.

* Purchase the beneficial bacteria, chemicals, and water conditioners you’ll need for the spring and summer. Now would be the time to decide on any new items you’ll add to your pond as well.

* Check the level of the water in your pond and add a small amount at a time so the water temperature or the chemical balance isn’t disrupted too drastically. If you wintered your fish indoors, increase the water and chemical level before returning the fish to the pond.

* Begin feeding the fish once the temperatures reach or exceed 50 degrees Fahrenheit. Since any fish you might have in your pond are cold-blooded, they’ll begin getting interested in eating once their body temperature rises.

* Check the netting around the pond and repair it where necessary.

* Reset any rocks around you’ve placed around the border as well as prune the shrubs and any plants which are around the pond. You may also want to add new plants or features to the pond.

* Clean the filter as recommended by the manufacturer, being sure to clean the water intake more often to keep it from becoming clogged with debris.

If you take the time to care for your pond the way it requires, you’ll be able to enjoy it for years to come. Pay attention to any organic matter that falls into the water and clean it out. You’ll also want to remove any fish which may die.

What else can you do to benefit from your pond throughout the year?
You may want to place a bench so you can sit near the pond watching the fish. Another option would be to set up a canopy swing. Then take the time to sit outside by the pond to enjoy being outdoors among nature.

Remember; having the right information will make your job much easier and can help ensure the lasting success of your garden. Did you get your free copy of the E-book ‘Absolute Organic Gardening’? It goes into far more detail there.
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