Growing Potatoes In The UK

The Best Ways to Plant and Grow Potatoes in the UK

Potatoes are a versatile and popular crop, well-suited to the UK’s temperate climate. With proper planning and care, growing a bountiful harvest can be straightforward. This guide outlines the best practices for planting and cultivating potatoes in the UK.

1. Selecting the Right Varieties

Choosing the right potato variety is essential. Potatoes are broadly categorized into first earlies, second earlies, and maincrop varieties.

  • First earlies (e.g., Rocket, Pentland Javelin) are ready in around 10-12 weeks and are ideal for new potatoes.
  • Second earlies (e.g., Charlotte, Kestrel) take 12-14 weeks and are slightly larger.
  • Maincrop varieties (e.g., Maris Piper, King Edward) take 16-20 weeks and are best for storage and roasting. Consider your intended use and growing space when selecting varieties.

2. Preparing the Soil

Potatoes thrive in fertile, well-drained soil with a slightly acidic pH (5.5-6.5). In the autumn or winter before planting, prepare the soil by digging in well-rotted manure or compost to enrich its nutrient content. Avoid planting potatoes in the same spot where they were grown the previous year to prevent disease build-up.

3. Chitting the Seed Potatoes

Chitting encourages the seed potatoes to sprout before planting, leading to faster growth. To chit potatoes:

  1. Place them in a cool, light-filled area, such as a windowsill or frost-free shed, with the eyes facing upward.
  2. Allow the shoots to grow to about 2-3 cm (1 inch) before planting.

4. Planting

Potatoes should be planted from March to May, depending on the variety and region. First earlies can be planted as soon as the risk of frost diminishes, typically in late March or early April.

  • Dig trenches 10-15 cm (4-6 inches) deep and 60 cm (24 inches) apart.
  • Place the seed potatoes in the trench with the shoots facing upward, spacing them 30 cm (12 inches) apart for earlies and 40 cm (16 inches) for maincrop varieties.
  • Cover the potatoes with soil.

5. Earthing Up

As the plants grow, “earthing up” is vital to protect developing tubers from sunlight, which can turn them green and toxic. When the shoots reach about 15 cm (6 inches), draw soil around them to create small ridges. Repeat as the plants grow taller.

6. Watering and Feeding

Regular watering is crucial, especially during dry spells and when tubers are forming (from flowering onwards). Avoid overwatering, which can cause rot. Apply a high-potash fertilizer to promote healthy tuber development.

7. Pest and Disease Management

Common issues include blight, slugs, and potato cyst nematodes. To reduce risks:

  • Choose blight-resistant varieties like Sarpo Mira.
  • Practice crop rotation.
  • Remove any diseased plants promptly.

8. Harvesting and Storage

  • First and second earlies can be harvested when the flowers appear or when the foliage starts to yellow.
  • Maincrop potatoes are ready when the foliage dies back. Leave them in the ground for 2 weeks to allow the skins to harden.

Store potatoes in a cool, dark, and well-ventilated space to prevent sprouting and spoilage.

By following these steps, you can enjoy a successful potato harvest, perfect for the UK’s climate and culinary traditions.




Organic Gardening Is Great For Relieving Stress!

Stress definitely takes a toll on your mind and your body, and the longer you’re stressed, the worse it gets.

You don’t have to be a doctor to recognize the negative effects of stress on your body. It makes you feel anxious and out of control, and over time these feelings can escalate causing negative effects and even depression. Even a short period of stress can take its toll, but the longer it goes on the worse our physical health gets.

Chronic stress causes the body to be flooded with negative hormones which leads to inflammation in the body. Can stress kill? …. Absolutely!

Recently Will Young – Singer/Pop Star – has told how Organic Gardening has been his salvation. He was in therapy for a while with quite debilitating  ‘anxiety’ and discovered the calming, soothing feelings to be got via his daily gardening activities. He now has a wonderful Organic Garden down in the West-Country of England that his Mother designed for him and She and his father did the donkey-work constructing it so that Will only has to keep it all ship-shape and bristol-fashioned

Negative Effects of Stress:
* Insomnia – stress can cause sleeplessness, restlessness, poor quality sleep, and waking up multiple times during the night. And the less sleep you get, the more stressed you feel.
* Changes in eating habits. Stress can either eliminate your appetite and cause you to eat little to no food, or it can cause you to overeat or binge.
* Long-term stress can lead to anxiety. The symptoms of anxiety include stomach aches, feeling on edge, moodiness, shortness of breath, racing heart, and dizziness, and even full-blown panic attacks.
* Depression can occur after a period of long-term, unchecked stress.
* Long periods of stress can wreak havoc on our immune systems causing you to become more prone to catching colds and other illnesses.
* Stress can aggravate existing health issues such as IBS, rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia, and lupus.

The bottom line is that stress is a serious issue in our fast-paced society and more of us are finding it hard to relax.

So, what does organic gardening have to do with stress?
Well, it may surprise you to learn that gardening is a scientifically proven stress reducer. The Journal of Health Psychology published an article which compared gardening to reading. The experiment found that the gardeners experienced a more significant decrease in stress when compared to the readers.

In addition, the Center for Disease Control (CDC) has designated gardening a moderate-level intensity activity which uses most of the body. A study they conducted found that people who gardened, exercised on average, 40 to 50 minutes more than people who chose biking, walking, or other activities. Regular exercise is one of the things doctors recommend people do when they’re feeling anxious or stressed because it increases the flow of oxygen to the brain, so this is an additional benefit provided by gardening.

In addition, being outdoors is a natural “high” for many people and their bodies respond by releasing endorphins, the body’s “feel-good” hormones. This feeling of well-being helps reduce stress and leads to improved sleep and overall physical relaxation.

The effects of stress on our lives is enormous. It’s impossible to escape it with all our responsibilities at our jobs, in our family life, and with the stressors we’re exposed to on a daily basis. And it’s clear that stress takes an enormous toll on our emotional and physical health. That’s why it’s encouraging that gardening can help reduce stress while also providing us with healthy food to assist us on our journey to better health.

Remember; having the right information will make your job much easier and can help ensure the lasting success of your garden.

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