Check Out Organic Gardening Supplies

The success of any project depends on having the right tools for the job. This fact is no less true when it comes to organic gardening. In fact, the right tools can mean the difference between success and failure. Organic gardening is made more difficult than traditional gardening because there are no quick fixes. Any remedy you use must be natural and free of chemicals and toxins, which limits your options.

So here are the most important supplies you’ll need for your organic garden. Remember that starting with the best option that you can afford is worth the time and aggravation that you’ll be saving yourself.

* Fertilizer
If you have the time and space to make your own fertilizer by composting, then this would be the preferred way to go. There’s a reason some people refer to compost as “black gold”. Compost helps plants resist disease, insects, and drought by providing important micronutrients. It’s also extremely versatile and serves multiple purposes: as a potting or planting medium, as mulch, and as fertilizer.

There are commercial products which can speed up the process by adding microorganisms to the composting material to aid in the break down.
However, some prefer the convenience of buying their fertilizer and there are several organic options on the market which will do a good job providing the nutrients your plants need. An all-purpose formula which can feed all your fruits, herbs, and vegetables can be mixed at planting time, and when your plants need supplemental feeding.

* Insecticide
While small insect infestations can be handled by removing them by hand, there may come a time when it becomes more than you can handle. That’s when you need a good, all-natural pesticide. One good option is neem oil. It’s an all-purpose insecticide, it kills mites and fungus. It kills all stages of insects: eggs, larvae and adults. But before you even think of getting rid of all the little nasties, please remember that the little goodies like bees, worms, wood-lice, wild birds and indeed wild-life in general all ‘feed’ off of the little-nasties we’re trying to get rid of because of the inconvenience they cause.

Mother Nature, the goddess we all serve, has an amazing knack of balancing itself. It seldom allows one species to overrun a given area. It may well be a good idea just to ‘manage’ the little-nasties rather than try to destroy them all.

* Garden Hoe
This is an essential garden tool because it serves so many important purposes. You can use it to dig small holes to plant seedlings, to weed, and to break down soil. One thing to remember when purchasing any garden tool is – you get what you pay for. You’ll be using your hoe a lot, and you want something which can stand up to the wear and tear. Buy the best garden tools you can afford, and they can last you decades.

* Garden Fork
You’ll need a garden fork to turn your soil, turn your compost, and to dig up potatoes. Look for a fork that has the head forged from a single piece of steel. Either square or V-shaped tines with diamond tips work best.

* Other Important Tools
Anything which makes your gardening easier will be an important addition to your tool kit. A good pair of gloves will protect your hands from callouses and abrasions. To be more comfortable while planting or weeding, you may want a garden mat or rolling bench. We also have work trousers with pouches just below the knees that we can pack with rubber or old plastic carrier bags folded up and inserted. This keeps your knees dry, and if you need to keep them warm you should fold up some unwanted bubble-wrap, or polystyrene packaging and insert that, your knees will stay dry, warm and of course comfortable.



Remember; having the right information will make your job much easier and can help ensure the lasting success of your garden.

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